My name is Yaw Dako and I'm second year Biochem/Chem Major at Dalhousie
University. This page is just a little something to tell you about myself,and my
interests. I come from Ghana
(West Africa).
My Interests
I love playing and watching soccer. I live and breathe
Soccer. My favorite league is undoubtedly the exciting English Premier League.
I'm a staunch, die hard supporter of Newcastle
United. My Favourite players as some of you might have guessed by now is the
goal wizard himself Alan Shearer, and the "African Maestro" Abedi Pele.

Apart from Soccer my other avenue of escape from all the stress and the whole
crazy world is reading Novels. My Favourite authors are Jeffrey Archer, Sidney
Sheldon and Robert Ludlum
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see some cool pics
Musical Interests
What can I say about Musical Interest. It spans a wide
spectrum ranging from Rap to Gospel. My favourites are Helen Baylor(Gospel),
Tony Rich, R Kelly ("The R baby"), DMX and last but not the least Tupac Shakur
(the greatest) 
The #1 source on the internet for hip hop
news and artists bios.
Do you want to learn the Ghananian language "Twi" ?
Welcome = Akwaaba
Thank you = me da wo ase
Want to learn more ? Click
Favourite Quote
" If not the best then among the best. If not among the
best, certainly not the worst among the rest."
Final Word
I hope you liked my web page, send comments and thoughts to
[email protected].